Fire Door Repair Richmond Hill
Fire Door Repair Richmond Hill is another service our team provides when it comes to door services around the clock. Fire Door Repair Richmond Hill has teams fully equipped with supplies, tools and all equipment needed to help you on the spot. When in need of repair, replacement or fire door installations, call Fire Door Repair Richmond Hill. Call us 24/7!

Fire doors are critical in a place of business. Not only can they provide you and your employees with the safety necessary in the event of a fire, they can actually slow the progress of the flames, resulting in less structural damage to your property. Like any other products, however, fire doors have an expiration date. In order to get the most out of your fire door, keep these maintenance tips in mind.
- Avoid Painting Certain Sections of the Door – If you are planning on painting your fire door, it is important for you to use caution. Avoid painting any parts of the door, such as the curtains, guides and fusible links. These sections of the door need to be left alone in order to function correctly. If they end up painted, they will make the door out of compliance with fire codes. When in doubt, avoid painting entirely.
- Do Not Perform Repairs Yourself – Sometimes the door may experience malfunctions, resulting in functional issues. If you notice that the door is not functioning correctly, or the door drops due to an emergency or power failure do not attempt any repairs yourself as this may result in compliance issues. Instead, call our authorized repair company to test the door and reset it as necessary. This can help you avoid legal issues and have the door up and running again in the event of an emergency situation. Always exercise caution around your door and do not use it except for how it is intended.
- Invest in Annual Tests – In addition to performing maintenance when necessary, it is critical to engage in preventative care as often as possible as well. Have your fire door tested annually. Not only is this vital to the health of your door, but it is also sometimes required according to city and provincial laws. Consult with our local experts to determine what your area’s codes are and how you can remain in compliance with them.
Our team is capable and able to repair the fire doors, and their hardware, so call us 24/7 for all your doors needs.