Interior Doors Service Toronto
Interior Doors Service Toronto is ready at all times of the day and night to come to your property and take care of all your doors. Interior doors need to be kept in good working condition, and this is why Interior Doors Service Toronto teams are always on call and fully equipped to come to your help. Interior Doors Service Toronto teams are fast, arriving at our side in 20 minutes from the time of your call. Call us 247!

Interior Doors Service Toronto experts will help you repair, replace or install any door giving you problems. Interior Doors Service Toronto has well-trained staff that combined with years of experience and proper tools, will provide the best door service in the area. Feel free to call Interior Doors Service Toronto for all your door needs, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are always here for you. There are few home owners that enjoy doing repairs on their own, so here are few projects you can handle on your own. Just remember that a door is heavy and you will need help. So, if you do not have someone helping you, you can always call us.
We will show you here how to convert a door to swing the opposite direction. If you have recently remodelled, installed a large piece of furniture in bedroom that prevents the door from opening, or have simply been suffering from poor planning, you can change the way that problem door swings. All you need to do is cut door hinge mortises on the opposite side of the door jamb and reverse the striker plate hole. It’s not as complicated as it sounds. Typical bedroom doors swing inward to the bedroom. To keep the door swinging in the right direction you do not need to change the doorstop. Just change it from left- to right-hand swing or vice versa. Open the door. Use a cordless screw gun to unscrew the hinges from the door jamb, allowing the door to drop away from the jamb. Place the door across two saw-horses. The cylinder part of the hinge should be facing down. Remove the hinges from the door with the screw gun. Save the screws. Use a chisel to chip out a 1/4-inch section at the back of the door hinge mortise. The mortise is the routed-out spot where the hinge fits into the side of the door. At the back, there is only a 1/4-inch strip that prevents the mortise from going all the way across the side. Chip that part out. While the hinges are off the door, trace one of the hinge plates onto a piece of 1/4-inch plywood to use as a template later. Place the hinges back on the door, this time in the reverse direction. The pins in the hinge will still point to the top of the door as before, but the round part of the hinge will be on top this time, not facing the bottom as they were before. The hinge will fit over the spot where you chiselled out the small strip. Leave a 1/4-inch space between the hinge cylinder and the door. Screw the hinge back onto the door. Unscrew the doorknob if it is a locking door knob. If it has no lock, leave it. Reverse the doorknob by separating the front from the back. Insert it in the opposite direction. Tighten the screws. Stand the door back up, only this time place the hinge side of the door on the opposite side. Open the door slightly. Place some wood scraps under the door so that it is positioned as if it were already installed. Open the hinges with your fingers. Trace around them on the door jamb with a pencil. Remove the door. Use a hammer and chisel to chip out the wood inside the hinge tracings. Hold the chisel perpendicular to the grain and tap the end of it toward the doorstop. Allow the chisel to cut shallow channels across the jamb until the hinge mortises are flat and deep enough to accept the hinge plates. Use the hinge routings on the opposite side for reference. Screw the door on in the opposite direction using the new hinge mortises. Shut the door. Work the knob several times. It will leave a small mark where the striker hits the side of the door jamb. Open the door and find the mark. If it does not leave a mark, colour the end of the striker with a pencil and repeat until it leaves a faint mark. Drill a 3/4-inch-deep hole centred on the mark using a 3/4-inch drill bit and cordless drill. Remove the small plate covering the hole on the opposite side of the door. Place it over the new hole and trace around it. It is also mortised in. Use the chisel to cut a shallow mortise for it to fit into. Place it on the mortise and screw it on the jamb. Shut the door. Cut pieces of 1/8-inch plywood to fit inside the old door mortises. Use the template that you traced on the plywood when you had the hinge off the door. Cut the tracing out with diagonal pliers. Sand and round the corners with 100-grit sandpaper until it fits perfectly into the old hinge mortises. Use it to create hinge mortise plugs for the other mortises. Place glue in the old mortises. Using two 1-inch brads and a hammer, nail the 1/4-inch pieces into the old hinge mortises. Wait one hour for the glue to dry and sand smooth with sandpaper. Smear glue on the 3/4-inch dowel. Tap it into the old striker hole using a hammer. Wait one hour for the glue to dry. Sand it off flush with the surface. Force as much wood putty into the surrounding area as possible with a putty knife to fill any cracks or deviations around the plug. The striker plate mortise is too shallow to plug, so use the sand block to sand and blend it into the jamb. Use a stain marker to colour all the patched places if appropriate. Spray lightly with aerosol lacquer to finish. If the door is painted, use matching paint for touch-up. The tools needed for this project are: a cordless screw gun, a chisel, a hammer, diagonal pliers, 3 pieces plywood of 1/8-by-4-by-4 inches, 3/4-inch drill bit, 100-grit sandpaper, glue, 1-inch brads, 3/4-inch dowel of 3/4-inch long, wood putty, a putty knife, a stain marker, aerosol lacquer, paint (optional). A great tip of advice is to save all the screws in a cup so that you can easily find them to use again. Also, a bit of a warning – do not take off the door stop or the door casing. It will work the same way as before and remember to wear safety glasses.
Doors provide security, access control, and privacy. A door that refuses to open properly or will not stay closed is probably not serving its purpose very well. A lot of home owners are intimidated by doors. Many doors get replaced, simply because the owner did not know how to trouble-shoot or make repairs. Here are some common issues doors have and ways to deal with them. If you start at the top and work your way down, you will probably find your problem.
Check the Hinges – When hinges are loose or misaligned, doors tend to malfunction in a number of ways. But simply tightening hinges is often a fix for many common problems. Here are some indications:
- Door drags along knob edge at the top
- Door drags along bottom edge at the corner below the knob
- Door knob striker does not hit striker receiver correctly
It is best to use a hand held screwdriver when tightening door hardware of any kind because stripped screw heads can cause even further issues. Check all screws in the edge of the door and in the hinge plates on the door jamb, and tighten them all. For screws that will not tighten or will not remain tight, replace them with a longer or thicker screw.
Check the Knob and Striker – The spring latch inside your knob is known as a striker. The striker pushes out and sets into the “striker plate” in the door jamb. If the striker is misaligned it may either be too high, too low, or if the door does not close fully, the striker may bind. Here are the indications for this happening:
- Door closes, but pulls open without turning knob
- Door will not fully close
- Door will not stay closed
Position yourself so that the striker is at eye level. Mark the top and bottom of the striker with a pencil. This will show you whether the striker is high or low. Move the striker plate up or down as needed. Chisel out the jamb slightly to get a level fit. If the striker is aligned but not latching, move the plate out toward the front of the jamb.
For more details, information, advice or help, call our door service. We are here to help you 24 hours a day and all week long. Call us now!