Repair Patio Door Vaughan Service
Repair Patio Door Vaughan Service is one of the many door services our team provides all around the city, all 24 hours of the day. Whenever in need of a door service, be it repair, replacement or installation, call Repair Patio Door Vaughan Service. Our teams are fully mobile, and being local, Repair Patio Door Vaughan Service can arrive at your door step in less than 20 minutes. Call for our service now! Call us 24/7!

Repair Patio Door Vaughan Service will serve all your interior and exterior doors, including gates and garage doors. Repair Patio Door Vaughan Service is available all 24/7 and every single day of the year to maintain or service any door on your residential or commercial property. Call for our Repair Patio Door Vaughan Service day or night, we come to you always on time and always ready to help.
In those instances that you are a handy with tools and looking for a do it yourself, project, we will give you here below few tips. If you are looking to repair a lock on your patio door, here are the tools and supplies you will need: a screwdriver, screws, replacement latch and replacement lock, if needed. Because sliding patio doors are used a lot, it is common for their locks to occasionally jam or break. These locks are important for keeping your patio doors secure, so it is important that you replace yours promptly if It is not working. While you might need to completely replace your lock, it is possible you just need to replace the latch. Check out these simple tips to learn how.
- Determining the Model – Most sliding glass-door manufacturers etch their name or the model number into the door’s corner edge. Find this information and write it down. You may need it if you need more than a simple latch replacement.
- Removing the Handles – Remove the handles from the door, using a Philips-head screwdriver. Then replace the bottom screw in the hole where it was affixed to the handle, to prevent the latch from falling into the doorframe.
- Removing the Screws – Two screws on the end of the door secure the latch. Remove these two screws, and gently pull out the latch mechanism and its cartridge.
- Finding a Replacement – Finally, bring the latch into your local hardware store to find a compatible replacement. Reverse the previous steps to install the new latch.
If you replace the latch and your sliding patio-door lock still does not work correctly, use the model information you determined earlier to replace the entire mechanism and install a new lock.
If your sliding door is sticking, or opening in a trembling fashion you may just need to replace the rollers. A sliding door repair is much cheaper than replacing the entire door. We will talk you through what you need to fix it yourself.
Remove the Door – The first thing you will need to do is remove the door. It is best to check that you have enough room to do this without adjusting the rollers. Just lift up on the door a little bit and see how much room you will have. So long as you have the room, go ahead and lift the door out by pushing up on the door and pulling the bottom of the door out. If you do not have enough room you can adjust the rollers by locating the screws on the track near the rollers. Just screw them counter-clock wise until you have the room needed.
Find the Roller Type – Now that the door is off the track, you can see what style roller you have. Depending on the roller type there may be a few ways to remove them. Usually you will find a mounting screw located near the spring mechanism. If the screw is not there, check just above the screws used to adjust the rollers. Some doors will have a slotted area where the screw is sitting. Some doors actually use just one screw for both adjusting and mounting. If this is the case you just need to remove the screw entirely.
Once you remove the mounting screws you can just pull the old rollers out using a pair of pliers. Some of them may just pop out with a screw driver. Go to your local hardware store to find the same rollers to replace them with. This is the easiest method so you do not have to make several trips later in case you have the wrong rollers.
Install New Rollers – You will install the new rollers just as you removed the old ones. Remember you may need to adjust the roller height again. Do not add any lubricant to the rollers. This is not necessary and will just attract dirt.
Check the Track – Ensure it is still even. If you need to fix or hammer out part of the track (if it is metal) you may as well do that while the door is off.
Hang the Door – If you need to adjust the roller height to allow enough room for this, just use the same method as earlier when you removed your door. Slide the door a few times to make sure it is working properly. If the door is still trembling, skipping, or sticking then it is more than likely the track itself that needs to be replaced.
In case you have an interior swing door, here are some tips on how to adjust it. A swing-hinge door opens from both directions. The door does not have a traditional door knob that you must turn to open the door. Just push against the door and it swings open. These doors are ideal for openings between kitchens and dining rooms, especially when you have dishes of prepared food in your hands. When you find the door is not opening as easily as it once did, make an adjustment with basic tools to get things swinging again.
First, locate the swing door’s adjustment mechanism. Some doors have a mechanism on all the hinges, while others have the adjuster on just one hinge. Remove the plate covering the adjustment mechanism on each hinge, using a screwdriver. Save the screws. Not all hinges have a covering. Pull out the pin holding the adjustment mechanism in place. Depending on the hinge, you might be able to pull it out with your fingers, or you might need a pair of pliers to remove it. Save the pin. Twist the adjustment mechanism to the right or left so a different hole lines up with the pin’s opening. Insert the pin back into the hole. When the adjustment mechanism is on top of the hinge, turn the mechanism to the left to increase tension and to the right to decrease it. For mechanisms installed on the bottom of the hinge, turn the mechanism to the right to increase tension and to the left to decrease it. Repeat these steps for all the adjustment mechanisms. Operate the door to see if you adjusted it to suit your tastes. When necessary, take the pins out and put them in different holes until the spring hinge door operates to your satisfaction. Replace the plates covering the swing door adjustment mechanism. Tighten the screws with a screwdriver. Swing door adjustment mechanisms usually are on the top of the hinges on one side of the door and on the bottom side of the hinges on the opposite door. The adjustment procedure is the same. When your door’s hinges have an adjustment screw or hex head on top of the hinge instead of a twisting mechanism, twist the screw or hex head to the left to tighten the door’s swinging action and to the right to loosen it. Reverse the process if the screw or hex head is on the bottom of the hinge.
A swing door guard adds an extra layer of safety between you and the un-known outside your door. Much like door chain assemblies, swing door guards allow you to open the door slightly without losing your sense of security. When you use a door chain assembly, an intruder can easily force his way into your home by snapping the chain with bolt-cutters. The solid metal design of the swing door guards is harder to break and nearly impossible to cut. Install a swing door guard to keep you and your family safe.
Measure the door a distance of 54 inches from the floor. Place a light pencil mark on the edge of the door near the opening. Place a torpedo level below the mark on the door. Use the level as a straight edge to make a line about 3 inches long. Extend the line horizontally onto the door jamb. Measure a distance of 3/8 inch from the edge of the door jamb and away from the door. Place a light mark at this location. Position the bottom of the base attached to the large hinged loop side on the swing door guard on the horizontal line. Place the side of the base closest to the door on the 3/8-inch mark. Mark the screw holes opening in the base onto the door jamb. Create pilot holes at these marks with a 1/16-inch drill bit attached to a power drill. Place the base back onto the jamb. Insert the screws provided with the swing door guard though the screw holes in the base and into the pilot holes. Attach a screwdriver bit to the power drill and drive the screws into the jamb, securing the looped side of the swing door guard on the door jamb. Measure a distance of 7/8 inch from the edge of the loop base onto the door. Place a light pencil mark on the door at the 7/8-inch distance. Position the bottom of the base attached to the post side of the swing door guard along the horizontal line. Make sure the edge of the base lines up with the 7/8-inch mark you made on the door. Mark the screw hole openings on the door and create pilot holes with the 1/16-inch drill bit and power drill. Insert the screws through the holes in the base. Drive the screws into the door to secure the post side of the swing door guard to the back of the door.
Remember that our crew is a door service specialist and we are here for you 24/7. Call us now for any kind of door services!