Ajax Garage Doors Repair
Ajax Garage Doors Repair team will show up to your place to handle any problems you have with your garage doors. Ajax Garage Doors Repair can handle any garage doors problems, be it at your residential or commercial place. With 24/7 availability, you can call Ajax Garage Doors Repair at any time.

Garage doors are very heavy and they use the internal tension of coiled springs to help offset the weight. When the springs break it is very difficult to lift the door. A broken spring is the likely cause of a door that you can’t raise.
Another potential cause would be a garage door that binds and sticks. This is usually an adjustment issue. For information on this subject, you can call us at any time.
Usually garage doors are louder than most doors. They have several moving parts including hinges and rollers. Added to that, the tracks that support the door will flex when the door opens, creating further noise. Certain types of doors, such as all metal doors with no insulation, are especially loud. With those comments aside, squeaky and sticking rollers and squeaky hinges can add to the noise level. Call us for some advice on how to cut down on the noise.
If you have an attached garage, you probably do not want a lot of hot or cold air coming in around the door. Even if you garage is not conditioned space, you get some passive heating and cooling from your home. There are two key reasons why you have gaps around your garage door, and they are: a door that is out of adjustment, or a worn or missing weather stripping.
For information on fixing the weather stripping on your garage door, call us. We cal also discuss what you need to know about getting your door properly aligned.
Your garage door is the biggest, the heaviest and has the most moving parts from all your doors. Things can break and get out of adjustment. You may have a garage door operator that can act up as well. For information on garage doors, call our team. We will help you deal with the problems you are having with your garage door.
Regardless if you use your garage for the car, an entrance or a storage facility, you still want the door to work properly. You can make garage door repairs without taking the door down. Locksmith Ajax has mobile teams ready to come and help you 24/7.